Reaching Your Goals
Our Courses
We offer varying levels of courses, allowing you to take your qualifications in Ministry to your intended goals!
* All courses are subject to change.
* All courses need to be completed 6-12 months of enrolment. Please see our Terms of Service for more information.
Certificate In Ministry
The FGI CIM programme is designed for those who would like to pursue an in-depth study of the Bible and experience the glory of God. This programme is not just for those who feel called to be a full-time minister, but also for those who simply desire to have a deeper understanding of the Word of God and to learn how to apply it to their daily lives.
Persons completed this programme who successfully complete all 4 Required Modules, will receive a Certificate in Ministry.
This course can take 6 -12 months to complete, depending on the amount of time spent studying daily – on average 1-3 hours of dedicated study time/day is required to complete this course in under 12 months.
This CIM program is measured in academic credit hours. Academic credit hours are transferable from one post-secondary institution to another and are subject to the guidelines and restrictions of the post-secondary institution that receives the credits.
In order to complete the CIM, a total of 30 credits are required, these 30 credits are made up of modules 1-4, each module consist of either 3 or 4 subjects.
Certificate in Ministry (CIM)
Module 1
- Introduction
- CIM/MF: Ministry Foundations
- CIM/BC: Blood Covenant
- CIM/ST: Stewardship
- CIM/EV: Salvation & Discipleship
Certificate in Ministry (CIM)
Module 2
- DIM/NCR: New Creation Realities
- CIM/CH: Church History
- DIM/OF: One Flesh
- DIM/CH: Christ the Healer
Certificate in Ministry (CIM)
Module 3
- CIM/BR: The Book of Romans
- CIM/DS: Deliverance Series
- CIM/OTS: Old Testament Survey
- DIM/SJ: Seeing Jesus as He really is
Certificate in Ministry (CIM)
Module 4
- CIM/NTS: New Testament Survey
- ADM/CP: Church Planting I
- CIM/TTM: The Tabernacle of Moses
Diploma In Ministry
The FGI DIM programme was created as an additional course to CIM for those who desire to dig a little deeper into God’s Word and be ignited with His fire on a new level, for the full time minister and those who are simply hungry for more of God’s Word. Persons enrolled in this programme who successfully complete all 4 Required Modules, will receive a Diploma in Ministry.
This course can take 6 -12 months to complete, depending on the amount of time spent studying daily, on average 1-3 hours of dedicated study time/day is required to complete this course in under 12 months. This DIM program is measured in academic credit hours. Academic credit hours are transferable from one post-secondary institution to another and are subject to the guidelines and restrictions of the post-secondary institution that receives the credits.
In order to complete the DIM, an additional 42 credits added to the CIM course for a total of 72 credits towards the degree. These next 42 credits are made up of Modules 5-8, each consist between 4 to 6 subjects.
Diploma in Ministry (DIM)
Module 5
- Introduction to Diploma in Ministry
- DIM/WL: Worship as a Lifestyle
- DIM/PR: Prayer
- DIM/SW: Soul Winning
- DIM/NG: Names of God
- DIM/LF: Living Life as an Overcomer by Faith
- DIM/AB: Authority of a Believer
Diploma in Ministry (DIM)
Module 6
- DIM/ME: Excellence in Ministry
- DIM/HS: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- DIM/CL: Christian Character
- DIM/FFM: Ministry Gifts (Five Fold Ministry)
- DIM/YF: Your Family
Diploma in Ministry (DIM)
Module 7
- DIM/CP: Church Planting II
- DIM/LW: The Love Walk
- DIM/FS: The Fruit of the Spirit
- DIM/GS: The Gospels
Diploma in Ministry (DIM)
Module 8
- DIM/IP: Impacting People
- DIM/NOJ: The Name of Jesus
- DIM/UYP: Understanding your Potential
- DIM/H1: Homiletics 1
Associate Degree In Ministry
The FGI ADM programme was created as a training ground for those who sense a call into the fivefold ministry of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, yet we encourage all who desire to do a deeper study into God’s Word to get straight into this course after completing the DIM.
Persons enrolled in this programme can train for ministry, pursue an intense study of the Bible, enhance their present skills, gain a deeper understanding of the things of God, learn how to better relate to people, and obtain invaluable instruction on Faith, the Holy Spirit, Bible Prophecy and other theological areas such as cell groups, Christian counselling, and more (CIM & DIM have to be completed before a student can enrol for ADM).
This course can take 6 -12 months to complete, depending on the amount of time spent studying daily, on average 1-3 hours of dedicated study time/day is required to complete this course in under 12 months. This DIM program is measured in academic credit hours. Academic credit hours are transferable from one post-secondary institution to another and are subject to the guidelines and restrictions of the post-secondary institution that receives the credits.
In order to complete the ADM, the student needs to complete an additional 28 credits added to the DIM course for a total of 100 credits towards your degree. These next 28 credits are made up of Modules 9-11, each consist between 4-9 subjects.
Associate Degree in Ministry (ADM)
Module 9
- ADM/H2: Homiletics 2
- ADM/TC: Triumphant Christian
- ADM/HO: Bait of Satan / Handling Offences
- ADM/LSM: Leadership in Spiritual Matters
Associate Degree in Ministry (ADM)
Module 10
- ADM/CE: Contemporary Error
- ADM/SSB: Spirit, Soul & Body
- ADM/KFL: Introduction to Kingdom Finance and Leadership
- ADM/RKG: Rediscovering the Kingdom of God
- ADM/MLD: Ministry Leadership and Development
- ADM/PPV: Principles and Power of Vision
- ADM/MM: Master Management
Associate Degree in Ministry (ADM)
Module 11
- ADM/CC: Counselling with Competence
- ADM/MS: Missions
- ADM/PFR: Principles of Fiduciary Responsibility and Public Accountability
- ADM/MGR: Ministry Governance, Regulatory Environment and Examination of Practical Issues
- ADM/MFP: Ministry Formation and Operating as a Public Benefit Organisation
- ADM/PMP: Practical Ministry Administration Processes
- ADM/FIB: Basic Financial Principles, Investment and Budgeting (Personal Finance and Related Considerations)
- ADM/PDD: Principles, Practice and Dangers of Debt
- ADM/KFP: Kingdom Financial Principles
Degree In Divinity
The BDD programme is designed for those who would like to pursue their degree. This module will challenge you to put everything you have learned through module 1 to 11 into good use. Students will be required to complete a Business Plan and Present it to a pannel via a zoom meeting. You will also be required to write a ten thousand word Thesis and do an Oral Defence on your work via another zoom meeting. This course may take 6 – 12 months to complete. Once done with BDD you will be invited to join our formal annual graduation where you will be capped. Should you not be able to attend, you will still receives your formal degree papers.
This BDD program is measured in academic credit hours. Academic credit hours are transferable from one post-secondary institution to another and are subject to the guidelines and restrictions of the post-secondary institution that receives the credits.
In order to complete the BDD, the student needs to complete an additional 20 credits added to the ADM course for a total of 120 credits towards the degree. These next 20 credits are made up of Module 12, and consist of 4 subjects.
Degree in Divinity (DID)
Module 12
- BDD/TH: Thesis
- ADM/PBP: Preparation of a Ministry Business Plan
- BDD/THO: Thesis Oral Defense
- BDD/BP: Business Plan
Certificate In Ministry
The FGI CIM programme is designed for those who would like to pursue an in-depth study of the Bible and experience the glory of God. This programme is not just for those who feel called to be a full-time minister, but also for those who simply desire to have a deeper understanding of the Word of God and to learn how to apply it to their daily lives.
Persons enrolled in this programme who successfully complete all 4 Required Modules, will receive a Certificate in Ministry.
This course can take 6 -12 months to complete, depending on the amount of time spent studying daily – on average 1-3 hours of dedicated study time/day is required to complete this course in under 12 months.
This CIM program is measured in academic credit hours. Academic credit hours are transferable from one post-secondary institution to another and are subject to the guidelines and restrictions of the post-secondary institution that receives the credits.
In order to complete the CIM, a total of 30 credits are required, these 30 credits are made up of modules 1-4, each module consist of either 3 or 4 subjects.
Certificate in Ministry (CIM)
Module 1
- Introduction
- CIM/MF: Ministry Foundations
- CIM/BC: Blood Covenant
- CIM/ST: Stewardship
- CIM/EV: Salvation & Discipleship
Certificate in Ministry (CIM)
Module 2
- DIM/NCR: New Creation Realities
- CIM/CH: Church History
- DIM/OF: One Flesh
- DIM/CH: Christ the Healer
Certificate in Ministry (CIM)
Module 3
- CIM/BR: The Book of Romans
- CIM/DS: Deliverance Series
- CIM/OTS: Old Testament Survey
- DIM/SJ: Seeing Jesus as He really is
Certificate in Ministry (CIM)
Module 4
- CIM/NTS: New Testament Survey
- ADM/CP: Church Planting I
- CIM/TTM: The Tabernacle of Moses
Diploma In Ministry
The FGI DIM programme was created as an additional course to CIM for those who desire to dig a little deeper into God’s Word and be ignited with His fire on a new level, for the full time minister and those who are simply hungry for more of God’s Word. Persons enrolled in this programme who successfully complete all 4 Required Modules, will receive a Diploma in Ministry.
This course can take 6 -12 months to complete, depending on the amount of time spent studying daily, on average 1-3 hours of dedicated study time/day is required to complete this course in under 12 months. This DIM program is measured in academic credit hours. Academic credit hours are transferable from one post-secondary institution to another and are subject to the guidelines and restrictions of the post-secondary institution that receives the credits.
In order to complete the DIM, an additional 42 credits added to the CIM course for a total of 72 credits towards the degree. These next 42 credits are made up of Modules 5-8, each consist between 4 to 6 subjects.
Diploma in Ministry (DIM)
Module 5
- Introduction to Diploma in Ministry
- DIM/WL: Worship as a Lifestyle
- DIM/PR: Prayer
- DIM/SW: Soul Winning
- DIM/NG: Names of God
- DIM/LF: Living Life as an Overcomer by Faith
- DIM/AB: Authority of a Believer
Diploma in Ministry (DIM)
Module 6
- DIM/ME: Excellence in Ministry
- DIM/HS: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- DIM/CL: Christian Character
- DIM/FFM: Ministry Gifts (Five Fold Ministry)
- DIM/YF: Your Family
Diploma in Ministry (DIM)
Module 7
- DIM/CP: Church Planting II
- DIM/LW: The Love Walk
- DIM/FS: The Fruit of the Spirit
- DIM/GS: The Gospels
Diploma in Ministry (DIM)
Module 8
- DIM/IP: Impacting People
- DIM/NOJ: The Name of Jesus
- DIM/UYP: Understanding your Potential
- DIM/H1: Homiletics 1
Associate Degree In Ministry
The FGI ADM programme was created as a training ground for those who sense a call into the fivefold ministry of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, yet we encourage all who desire to do a deeper study into God’s Word to get straight into this course after completing the DIM.
Persons enrolled in this programme can train for ministry, pursue an intense study of the Bible, enhance their present skills, gain a deeper understanding of the things of God, learn how to better relate to people, and obtain invaluable instruction on Faith, the Holy Spirit, Bible Prophecy and other theological areas such as cell groups, Christian counselling, and more (CIM & DIM have to be completed before a student can enrol for ADM) Persons enrolled in this programme who successfully complete all 3 modules will receive an Associate Degree in Ministry. Students who meet all graduation requirements may participate in our graduation commencement exercises in full cap and gown.
This course can take 6 -12 months to complete, depending on the amount of time spent studying daily, on average 1-3 hours of dedicated study time/day is required to complete this course in under 12 months. This DIM program is measured in academic credit hours. Academic credit hours are transferable from one post-secondary institution to another and are subject to the guidelines and restrictions of the post-secondary institution that receives the credits.
In order to complete the ADM, the student needs to complete an additional 28 credits added to the DIM course for a total of 100 credits towards your degree. These next 28 credits are made up of Modules 9-11, each consist between 4-9 subjects.
Associate Degree in Ministry (ADM)
Module 9
- ADM/H2: Homiletics 2
- ADM/TC: Triumphant Christian
- ADM/HO: Bait of Satan / Handling Offences
- ADM/LSM: Leadership in Spiritual Matters
Associate Degree in Ministry (ADM)
Module 10
- ADM/CE: Contemporary Error
- ADM/SSB: Spirit, Soul & Body
- ADM/KFL: Introduction to Kingdom Finance and Leadership
- ADM/RKG: Rediscovering the Kingdom of God
- ADM/MLD: Ministry Leadership and Development
- ADM/PPV: Principles and Power of Vision
- ADM/MM: Master Management
Associate Degree in Ministry (ADM)
Module 11
- ADM/CC: Counselling with Competence
- ADM/MS: Missions
- ADM/PFR: Principles of Fiduciary Responsibility and Public Accountability
- ADM/MGR: Ministry Governance, Regulatory Environment and Examination of Practical Issues
- ADM/MFP: Ministry Formation and Operating as a Public Benefit Organisation
- ADM/PMP: Practical Ministry Administration Processes
- ADM/FIB: Basic Financial Principles, Investment and Budgeting (Personal Finance and Related Considerations)
- ADM/PDD: Principles, Practice and Dangers of Debt
- ADM/KFP: Kingdom Financial Principles
Degree In Divinity
The BDD programme is designed for those who would like to pursue their degree. This module will challenge you to put everything you have learned through module 1 to 11 into good use. Students will be required to complete a Business Plan and Present it to a pannel via a zoom meeting. You will also be required to write a ten thousand word Thesis and do an Oral Defence on your work via another zoom meeting.
This BDD program is measured in academic credit hours. Academic credit hours are transferable from one post-secondary institution to another and are subject to the guidelines and restrictions of the post-secondary institution that receives the credits.
In order to complete the BDD, the student needs to complete an additional 20 credits added to the ADM course for a total of 120 credits towards the degree. These next 20 credits are made up of Module 12, and consist of 4 subjects.
Degree in Divinity (DID)
Module 12
- BDD/TH: Thesis
- ADM/PBP: Preparation of a Ministry Business Plan
- BDD/THO: Thesis Oral Defense
- BDD/BP: Business Plan